Monday, March 29, 2010

"Summer '08" Selected for NAWS Spring Exhibition in Sedona

WOW!! Carl Dalio is the juror who selected "Summer '08" for the Northern Arizona Watercolor Society Member's Spring Exhibition. The show is from May 14 - 29th with a reception May 14, 5:30 - 7:30. The exhibition is in the Sedona Art Center (SAC) Community Gallery on 15 Art Barn Road, Sedona, AZ.
I'm thinking a trip to my favorite place - SEDONA - is in order!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

At the Circus with Keith and Henri Selected for the NWWS National Exhibition

How exciting to have this painting selected by Joe Garcia for the Northwest Watercolor Society 70th Annual Open Exhibition. The exhibit runs from April 17 - July 17, 2010 at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center, 800 Convention Place, Seattle WA. The NWWS Reception and Awards Ceremony is from 6-8 pm April 22. Wish I could be there!!!! Mayhaps I can go!! Let me know if you get there!!!

Sedona Rocks Abstract #3 Selected for Spring 2010 AWA Exhibition

How nice to be selected by Judge Michael Schlicting for the AWA 2010 Spring membership exhibition. The show will be at the Arizona Artists Guild Building from April 1-30, 2010.
The AAG building is located at 18411 N. 7th Ave. East side of 7th, just South of Union Hills. Exhibit hours: Fri & Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Sun 1-4 pm.

The Artists Reception is Friday, April 23rd from 6:30 - 8:30.
Refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there!